Sustainability of development of economic entities in partially autarkic economy


KORSHUNOVA Dar'ya M.1,ROMANOVA Lyudmila E.1,VASIN Aleksandr S.2


1. Tula State University (TulSU)

2. Federal Treasury


Subject. The article considers the methodology for assessing the sustainability of business entities’ development in modern Russia, characterized by elements of autarky. Objectives. Our aims are to reveal the specifics of sustainable development in a closed economy, determine the degree stakeholders’ interests coordination as a basis for identifying sustainability of their development, elaborate a methodology for determining the sustainability of development of economic entities in a partially autarkic economy. Methods. We employ general scientific methods, i.e. scientific abstraction, analysis and synthesis, as well as approaches to determining the influence of behavioral motives of decision-makers when identifying the effectiveness of economic entities’ development. Results. The paper underpinned the need to determine the impact of the degree of coordination of stakeholders' interests in determining the sustainability of development of market actors; offered a classification of stakeholders' interests; developed the traditional concept of triple bottom line that rests on identification of economic, social, and environmental indicators of development on the basis of supplementing the assessment of sustainability by the results of stakeholder interests coordination. Conclusions. In addition to the impact of social, environmental and economic factors, it is necessary to determine the level of coordination of stakeholders' interests, as well as stakeholder risk.


Publishing House Finance and Credit

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