1. Podberezkin A.I., Sokolenko V.G., Tsyrendorzhiev S.R. Sovremennaya mezhdunarodnaya obstanovka: tsivilizatsii, ideologii, elity: monografiya [The present political state of affairs: civilizations, ideologies, elites: a monograph]. Moscow, MGIMO University Publ., 2015, 464 p.
2. Burenok V.M., Tsyrendorzhiev S.R., Kuroedov B.V. et al. Kontseptsiya obosnovaniya perspektivnogo oblika silovykh komponentov voennoi organizatsii Rossiiskoi Federatsii: monografiya [A concept of justification of perspective shape of power components of the military organization of the Russian Federation: a monograph]. Moscow, Granitsa Publ., 2018, 510 p.
3. Tsyrendorzhiev S.R., Kuroedov B.V. [Prospects for development of the system of international relations and conditions for ensuring the Russian Federation’s military security]. Voennaya mysl' = Military Thought, 2017, no. 6, pp. 5–18. (In Russ.)
4. Gladyshevskii V.L., Gorgola E.V., Tsyrendorzhiev S.R. Partikulyarnye formy voennykh deistvii: nevoennoe protivoborstvo v XXI veke: monografiya [Particular forms of warfare: non-military confrontation in the 21st century: a monograph]. Moscow, Kantsler Publ., 2019, 361 p.
5. Brychkov A.S., Dorokhov V.L., Nikonorov G.A. [On the hybrid nature of wars and armed conflicts of the future]. Voennaya mysl' = Military Thought, 2019, no. 2, pp. 15–28. URL: Link (In Russ.)