Trends in the development of supplementary vocational education




1. Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University (TSPU)

2. Tula Branch of Financial University under Government of Russian Federation


Subject. The article considers trends in the development of supplementary professional education and the possibility of its interaction with industrial enterprises. Objectives. The focus is on the identification of trends in the development of supplementary professional education and factors, affecting the effectiveness of interaction between organizations of supplementary professional education and industrial enterprises. The hypothesis of the study lies in the assumption that organizations of supplementary professional education can contribute to the development of the level of human resources required by the enterprise. Methods. The study employs general scientific research methods. Results. We investigated trends in the development of supplementary professional education and factors influencing its effectiveness. We performed the analysis and developed recommendations for the formation of a system of interaction between organizations of supplementary professional education of enterprises in the region. Conclusions. The implementation of ambitious goals of the Russian economy development is impossible without an appropriate level of talent capacity of enterprises. The development of human resources in the modern conditions of the digital economy is one of strategic tasks of the enterprise. This problem can be solved within the framework of effective interaction between corporate personnel development programs and programs for additional professional education in the region.


Publishing House Finance and Credit


Automotive Engineering

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