A class of hyperrings and hyperfields


Krasner Marc1


1. Université de Paris VI, Paris 75006, France


Hyperring is a structure generalizing that of a ring, but where the addition is not a composition, but a hypercomposition, i.e., the sumx+yof two elements,x,y, of a hyperringHis, in general, not an element but a subset ofH. When the non-zero elements of a hyperring form a multiplicative group, the hyperring is called a hyperfield, and this structure generalizes that of a field. A certain class of hyperfields (residual hyperfields of valued fields) has been used by the author [1] as an important technical tool in his theory of approximation of complete valued fields by sequences of such fields. Tne non-commutative theory of hyperrings (particularly Artinian) has been studied in depth by Stratigopoulos [2].The question arises: How common are hyperrings? We prove in this paper that a conveniently defined quotientR/Gof any ringRby any normal subgroupGof its multiplicative semigroup is always a hyperring which is a hyperfield whenRis a field. We ask: Are all hyperrings isomorphic to some subhyperring of a hyperring belonging to the class just described?


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Mathematics (miscellaneous)

Cited by 133 articles. 订阅此论文施引文献 订阅此论文施引文献,注册后可以免费订阅5篇论文的施引文献,订阅后可以查看论文全部施引文献

1. Semiring systems arising from hyperrings;Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra;2024-06

2. A Hyperstructural Approach to Semisimplicity;Axioms;2024-01-25

3. Generalising Kapranov's theorem for tropical geometry over hyperfields;Journal of Algebra;2024-01

4. A Result of Krasner in Categorial Form;Mathematics;2023-12-11

5. Weakly $ (k,n) $-absorbing (primary) hyperideals of a Krasner $ (m,n) $-hyperring;Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics;2023-10-31








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