1. Laboratory of Applied Ichthyology and Hydrobiology, School of Wood, Water and Natural Resources (Ebolowa Antenna), Faculty of Agronomy and Agricultural Sciences, University of Dschang, P. O. Box 786, Ebolowa, Cameroon
2. Regional Center MINRESI/CRRI-West, Ministry of Scientific and Technical Research, P. O. Box 665, Bafoussam, Cameroon
3. Department of Aquaculture, Institute of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences at Yabassi, University of Douala, P. O. Box 2701, Douala, Cameroon
4. Laboratory of Applied Ichthyology and Hydrobiology, Department of Animal Productions, Faculty of Agronomy and Agricultural Sciences, University of Dschang, P. O. Box 222, Dschang, Cameroon