1. Division of Theoretical Physics, University of Ioannina, 45110 Ioannina, Greece
We review and clarify computational issues about theW-gauge boson one-loop contribution to theH→γγdecay amplitude, in the unitary gauge and in the Standard Model. We find that highly divergent integrals depend upon the choice of shifting momenta with arbitrary vectors. One particular combination of these arbitrary vectors reduces the superficial divergency down to a logarithmic one. The remaining ambiguity is then fixed by exploiting gauge invariance and the Goldstone Boson Equivalence Theorem. Our method is strictly realised in four dimensions. The result for the amplitude agrees with the “famous” one obtained using dimensional regularisation (DR) in the limitd→4, wheredis the number of spatial dimensions in Euclidean space. At the exact equalityd=4, a three-sphere surface term appears that renders the Ward Identities and the equivalence theorem inconsistent. We also examined a recently proposed four-dimensional regularisation scheme and found agreement with the DR outcome.
Nuclear and High Energy Physics
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8 articles.