1. Departmento de Química Física., Fac. Ciencias., Universidad Pais Vasco, Apart. 644, Bilbao 48080, Spain
Infrared multiple photon absorption is known to be observed in some triatomic and most polyatomic
molecules. When the number of absorbed photons is high enough the process leads to photodissociation
and excess energy is released as vibrational, rotational and translational energy in the electronic ground
state of the fragments. The contribution of these energies is determined by standard methods, that include
laser induced fluorescence, LIF, and time-resolved Fourier transform spectroscopy, TR-FTS. Examples
of selected determinations are shown.Once produced, identified and characterized, the kinetic behaviour of the transients with selected
reactants can be studied. In particular, removal rate constants of substituted carbenes, in specific
vibrational and electronic states, by atoms, olefins and simple molecules are mentioned.
Spectroscopy,Biochemistry,Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics