1. Department of Physics, Loughborough University, Leicestershire LE11 3TU, UK
Here, we present a method for a simple GARCH (1,1) model to fit higher order moments for different companies’ stock prices. When we assume a Gaussian conditional distribution, we fail to capture any empirical data when fitting the first three even moments of financial time series. We show instead that a mixture of normal distributions is needed to better capture the higher order moments of the data. To demonstrate this point, we construct regions (parameter diagrams), in the fourth- and sixth-order standardised moment space, where a GARCH (1,1) model can be used to fit moment values and compare them with the corresponding moments from empirical data for different sectors of the economy. We found that the ability of the GARCH model with a double normal conditional distribution to fit higher order moments is dictated by the time window our data spans. We can only fit data collected within specific time window lengths and only with certain parameters of the conditional double Gaussian distribution. In order to incorporate the nonstationarity of financial series, we assume that the parameters of the GARCH model can have time dependence. Furthermore, using the method developed here, we investigate the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic has upon stock’s stability and how this compares with the 2008 financial crash.
Statistics and Probability
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1 articles.