Molecular Detection of Virulence‐Associated Markers in Campylobacter coli and Campylobacter jejuni Isolates From Water, Cattle, and Chicken Faecal Samples From Kajiado County, Kenya


Wanja Daniel W.ORCID,Mbindyo Christine M.ORCID,Mbuthia Paul G.ORCID,Bebora Lilly C.ORCID,Aboge Gabriel O.ORCID


Campylobacter is a zoonotic foodborne pathogen that is often linked with gastroenteritis and other extraintestinal infections in humans. This study is aimed at determining the genetic determinants of virulence‐encoding genes responsible for flagellin motility protein A (flaA), Campylobacter adhesion to fibronectin F (cadF), Campylobacter invasion antigen B (ciaB) and cytolethal distending toxin (cdt) A (cdtA) in Campylobacter species. A total of 29 Campylobacter coli isolates (16 from cattle, 9 from chicken, and 4 from water samples) and 74 Campylobacter jejuni isolates (38 from cattle, 30 from chicken, and 6 from water samples) described in an earlier study in Kajiado County, Kenya, were examined for the occurrence of virulence‐associated genes using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and amplicon sequencing. The correlations among virulence genes were analyzed using Pearson’s correlation coefficient (R) method. Among the 103 Campylobacter strains screened, 89 were found to harbour a single or multiple virulence gene(s), giving an overall prevalence of 86.4%. C. jejuni strains had the highest prevalence of multivirulence at 64.9% (48/74), compared to C. coli (58.6%, 17/29). The ciaB and flaA genes were the most common virulence genes detected in C. jejuni (81.1% [60/74] and 62.2% [46/74], respectively) and in C. coli (each at 62.1%; 18/29). Campylobacter isolates from chicken harboured the most virulence‐encoding genes. C. jejuni strains from chicken and cattle harboured the highest proportions of the cdtA and ciaB genes, respectively. All the C. coli strains from water samples harboured the cadF and flaA genes. The results obtained further revealed a significant positive correlation between cadF and flaA (R = 0.733). C. jejuni and C. coli strains from cattle, chicken, and water harbour virulence markers responsible for motility/colonization, invasion, adherence, and toxin production, evoking their important role in campylobacteriosis development among humans and livestock. The identification of cattle, chicken, and water samples as reservoirs of virulent Campylobacter spp. highlights the possible risk to human health. These data on some virulence genes of Campylobacter will assist food safety and public health officials in formulating policy statements.









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