Utilization Behavior: What Is Known and What Has to Be Known?


Iaccarino Leonardo12ORCID,Chieffi Sergio3ORCID,Iavarone Alessandro4


1. Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Via Olgettina, 58, 20132 Milan, Italy

2. Department of Nuclear Medicine, San Raffaele Hospital, Via Olgettina, 58, 20132 Milan, Italy

3. Department of Experimental Medicine, Second University of Naples, Via Santa Maria di Costantinopoli, 16, 80138 Naples, Italy

4. Neurological and Stroke Unit, CTO Hospital, AORN, “Ospedali dei Colli”, Viale Colli Aminei, 21, 80131 Naples, Italy


Since the first description by Lhermitte (1983), the utilization behavior (UB) still represents an enigma for behavioral neurology and neuropsychology. Recent findings shed some light on new frameworks for interpreting this interesting phenomenon. Functional neuroanatomical basis is still unclear, although recent advances in neuroimaging techniques have contributed to a better understanding of the syndrome. An important and promising step is given by shifting researcher’s attention from frontoparietal to intrafrontal mechanisms. From a cognitive standpoint, three models have been proposed. However, a comprehensive account for the UB neurobehavioral complexity is still lacking. Aims of this paper are to briefly review the reported cases of utilization behavior (UB) and to describe the putative neurological mechanisms underlying UB. Furthermore, the cognitive models proposed to interpret UB will be summarized. For clinical purposes, features suitable for distinguishing UB from other neurobehavioral symptoms will be briefly described.


Hindawi Limited


Clinical Neurology,Neurology,General Medicine,Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology








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