1. İnönü Üniversitesi, Eğitim Fakültesi, A-Blok, Posta Kodu: 44280, Malatya, Turkey
2. Baku State University, Department of Mech. & Math., Z. Khalilov Street, 23, P.O. Box 370145, Baku, Azerbaijan
The spacesHα,δ,γ((a,b)×(a,b),ℝ)andHα,δ((a,b),ℝ)were defined in ((Hüseynov (1981)), pages 271–277). Some singular integral operators on Banach spaces were examined, (Dostanic (2012)), (Dunford (1988), pages 2419–2426 and (Plamenevskiy (1965)). The solutions of some singular Fredholm integral equations were given in (Babolian (2011), Okayama (2010), and Thomas (1981)) by numerical methods. In this paper, we define the setsHα,δ,γ((a,b)×(a,b),X)andHα,δ((a,b),X)by taking an arbitrary Banach spaceXinstead ofℝ, and we show that these sets which are different from the spaces given in (Dunford (1988)) and (Plamenevskiy (1965)) are Banach spaces with the norms∥·∥α,δ,γand∥·∥α,δ. Besides, the bounded linear integral operators on the spacesHα,δ,γ((a,b)×(a,b),X)andHα,δ((a,b),X), some of which are singular, are derived, and the solutions of the linear Fredholm integral equations of the formf(s)=ϕ(s)+λ∫abA(s,t)f(t)dt,f(s)=ϕ(s)+λ∫abA(t,s)f(t)dtandf(s,t)=ϕ(s,t)+λ∫abA(s,t)f(t,s)dtare investigated in these spaces by analytical methods.
Applied Mathematics,Analysis