1. Institute of Power Engineering and Control Systems, Lviv Polytechnic National University, 12 S. Bandera Str., Lviv 79013, Ukraine
Multistability is a universal nonlinear feature for many areas of physics and technology; for most applications, it is an undesired feature leading to uncertainty of the system’s functioning, and therefore, it should be controlled. We deal with the model of a multistable chopper-fed DC electric drive and study the control of multistability by the periodic modulation of a PWM (pulse-width modulation) carrier signal. The effect of utilizing sinusoidal modulation has been studied employing brute-force bifurcation diagrams as well as those obtained by numerical continuation, symbolic analysis of periodic modes, and normal form approximation of border-collision bifurcation. The result is formulated in terms of the acceptable amplitude of the modulation while the effect of phase shift is taken into account. As an alternative, a modified modulation in the form of the absolute value of the sine wave has been studied; the latter is characterized by a simpler bifurcation structure. Additionally, we propose an implementation of the adaptive control with the objective to drive the system away from a “nonnominal” mode. It has been demonstrated that such a transition should use smooth attenuation of the modulation signal to ensure the desired “nominal” operation of the system.
General Engineering,General Mathematics