Effect of Raphia vinifera Fibre Size and Reinforcement Ratio on the Physical and Mechanical Properties of an Epoxy Matrix Composite: Micromechanical Modelling and Weibull Analysis


Youbi Syrille Brice Tchinwoussi12ORCID,Harzallah Omar3ORCID,Tagne Nicodème Rodrigue Sikame1245ORCID,Huisken Paul William Mejouyo12ORCID,Stanislas Tido Tiwa46ORCID,Drean Jean-Yves3ORCID,Bistac Sophie7,Njeugna Ebenezer12ORCID


1. Mechanics and Adapted Materials Laboratory (LAMMA), ENSET—University of Douala, Cameroon

2. Mechanics Laboratory (LM), ENSET—University of Douala, Cameroon

3. Université de Haute-Alsace, LPMT UR 4365, F-68100 Mulhouse, France

4. Research Unit in Engineering of Industrial Systems and the Environment (UR-2MSP), IUT/FV Bandjoun—University of Dschang, Cameroon

5. Research Unit in Mechanics and Modelling of Physical Systems (UR-2MSP), Faculty of Science—University of Dschang, Cameroon

6. Laboratoire COVACHIM-M2E, EA3592, UFR SEN, Université des Antilles, Campus de Fouillole, BP 250 97157 Pointe-à-Pitre, Guadeloupe, France

7. Laboratoire de Photochimie et d’Ingénierie Macromoléculaires, Université de Haute Alsace, 3b rue Alfred Werner, Mulhouse Cedex, France


This study evaluates the effects of lengths and reinforcement ratio of Raphia vinifera fibres (RVFs) on the physical and mechanical properties of an epoxy matrix composite. Three volume fractions (20%, 30%, and 40%) and three lengths (5, 10, and 15 mm) of fibres were used to produce the composite, and the samples were subjected to the absolute and apparent density, porosity, water absorption rate, and tensile and flexural strength. The probability of failure of the composite is described by the means of two-factor Weibull model. In addition, a theoretical approach to predict mechanical characteristics based on empirical models was carried out. The results show that the addition of RVF decreases the density of the composite, while the porosity and absorption rate increase. The mechanical test shows that the tensile and flexural stress and Young’s modulus of the composite are lowered compared to those of the resin alone. Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) and Tukey test showed that fibre lengths and reinforcement ratio significantly lower the mechanical properties of the composite. The distribution of strength and Young’s modulus follows Weibull’s law. Furthermore, the Cox–Krenkel mathematical model has the best approximated model for the experimental results after the tensile test. Based on these results, this material could be used as reinforcement parts for vehicle backrests or interior decoration in the construction industry.


Hindawi Limited


Polymers and Plastics

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