1. College of Transportation, Jilin University, Changchun 130022, China
2. Key Laboratory for Road Traffic of Jilin Province, Changchun 130022, China
In northern China, temperature is below zero degrees Celsius more than six months in a year. The buses lacked power and temperature in winter. In order to study the universal parameter of power system, 40 bus lines were selected. The bus lines came from the cities of Changchun, Jilin, Tonghua, and Songyuan. Driving cycle's data was collected by an experiment with the real urban bus in two years. After defining the kinematics fragments and characteristic parameter, 13660 divided kinematics fragments and 13 selected kinematic eigenvalues composed a matrix. After reducing the matrix by principal component analysis, the matrix has been reconstructed including the kinematics fragments and the corresponding principal component score. The 13660 kinematics fragments were divided into three categories by fuzzy C-means clustering. On this basis, abnormal data were removed by Pauta criterion. Then according to the characteristic parameter of kinematic eigenvalues, a model on engine power and driving cycles was built, which included the heating power in the winter. Finally, three sets of power-weight ratios were calculated by the weight and volume of the traditional local bus. The buses which are configured with this method have enough power to provide warm carriage.