1. Department of Sciences and Humanities, National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan
The construction of mathematical models for different phenomena, and developing their solutions, are critical issues in science and engineering. Among many, the Buckmaster and Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) models are very important due to their ability of capturing different physical situations such as thin film flows and waves on shallow water surfaces. In this manuscript, a new approach based on the generalized Taylor series and residual function is proposed to predict and analyze Buckmaster and KdV type models. This algorithm estimates convergent series with an easy-to-use way of finding solution components through symbolic computation. The proposed algorithm is tested against the Buckmaster and KdV equations, and the results are compared with available solutions in the literature. At first, proposed algorithm is applied to Buckmaster-type linear and nonlinear equations, and attained the closed-form solutions. In the next phase, the proposed algorithm is applied to highly nonlinear KdV equations (namely, classical, modified, and generalized KdV) and approximate solutions are obtained. Simulations of the test problems clearly reassert the dominance and capability of the proposed methodology in terms of accuracy. Analysis reveals that the projected scheme is reliable, and hence, can be utilized for more complex problems in engineering and the sciences.