Power-Minimization-Based Jamming Spectral Design for Finite-Duration Random Target in Clutter


Gao Jing1ORCID,Wu Rihan2ORCID,Guan Xin2ORCID,Yu Hao2ORCID,Wang Xishi2ORCID


1. School of Control Engineering, Northeastern University at Qinhuangdao, Qinhuangdao 066004, China

2. School of Computer Science and Engineering, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110819, China


An approach to optimize the transmitted waveform of a smart jammer was developed. This study aims to improve power-saving performance by minimizing the total jamming power and allowing the values of signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) and mutual information (MI) between the radar return and target impulse response to be below specific thresholds. First, the model of a finite-duration random target was proposed, and the power-minimization-based optimal jamming waveform design methods in clutter with SINR and MI limitations were investigated. Subsequently, considering the impossibility of obtaining precise prior information for estimation in practice, the spectra are assumed to lie within an uncertainty class where the upper and lower bounds of each frequency point sample are known. Consequently, power-minimization-based single- and double-robust jamming waveform design methods were researched, which bound the worst power-saving performance of the jammer. Finally, we provided several numerical examples to demonstrate that the power-saving performance of smart jammers can be enhanced by employing power-minimization-based optimization algorithms.


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Hindawi Limited


Computer Networks and Communications,Computer Science Applications

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2. Waveform design in signal-dependent interference and application to target recognition with multiple transmissions

3. Theory and Application of SNR and Mutual Information Matched Illumination Waveforms

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