1. Departamento de Análisis Matemático, Universidad de La Laguna, Aptdo. 456, 38200 La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain
Givenμ>-1/2andc∈I=]0,∞[, let the spaceCμ,c(respectively,Cμ) consist of all those continuous functionsuon]0,c](respectively,I) such that the limitlimz→0+z-μ-1/2u(z)exists and is finite;Cμ,cis endowed with the uniform normuμ,∞,c=supz∈[0,c]z-μ-1/2u(z) (u∈Cμ,c).Assumeϕ∈Cμdefines an absolutely regular Hankel-transformable distribution. Then, the linear span of dilates and Hankel translates ofϕis dense inCμ,cfor allc∈Iif, and only if,ϕ∉πμ, whereπμ=span{t2n+μ+1/2:n∈Z+}.