1. College of Mathematics and Information Science, Henan Normal University, Xinxiang, Henan 453007, China
Letnbe a positive integer, and an operatorT∈B(ℋ)is called a classA(n)operator ifT1+n2/1+n≥|T|2andn-paranormal operator ifT1+nx1/1+n≥||Tx||for every unit vectorx∈ℋ, which are common generalizations of classAand paranormal, respectively. In this paper, firstly we consider the tensor products for classA(n)operators, giving a necessary and sufficient condition forT⊗Sto be a classA(n)operator whenTandSare both non-zero operators; secondly we consider the properties forn-paranormal operators, showing that an-paranormal contraction is the direct sum of a unitary and aC.0completely non-unitary contraction.
National Natural Science Foundation of China
Applied Mathematics,Analysis