1. Academy of Mathematical Sciences, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin 150001, China
2. Department of Mathematics, Harbin University of Science and Technology University, Harbin 150080, China
In this paper, we prove that if C⁎⁎ is a ε-separable bounded subset of X⁎⁎, then every convex function g≤σC is Ga^teaux differentiable at a dense Gδ subset G of X⁎ if and only if every subset of ∂σC(0)∩X is weakly dentable. Moreover, we also prove that if C is a closed convex set, then dσC(x⁎)=x if and only if x is a weakly exposed point of C exposed by x⁎. Finally, we prove that X is an Asplund space if and only if, for every bounded closed convex set C⁎ of X⁎, there exists a dense subset G of X⁎⁎ such that σC⁎ is Ga^teaux differentiable on G and dσC⁎(G)⊂C⁎. We also prove that X is an Asplund space if and only if, for every w⁎-lower semicontinuous convex function f, there exists a dense subset G of X⁎⁎ such that f is Ga^teaux differentiable on G and df(G)⊂X⁎.
China Natural Science Fund