1. Division of Integrative Physiology, Department of Physiology, Jichi Medical University School of Medicine, Yakushiji 3311-1, Shimotsuke, Tochigi 329-0498, Japan
2. Department of Surgery, Jichi Medical University School of Medicine, Yakushiji 3311-1, Shimotsuke, Tochigi 329-0498, Japan
3. Department of Biochemistry, National Cardiovascular Center Research Institute, 5-7-1 Fujishirodai, Suita, Osaka 565-8565, Japan
4. Division of Organ Replacement Research, Center for Molecular Medicine, Jichi Medical University, Yakushiji 3311-1, Shimotsuke, Tochigi 329-0498, Japan
5. Department of Surgery, Ibaraki Prefectural Central Hospital, Koibuchi 6528, Kasama, Ibaraki 309-1793, Japan