1. Department of Mathematics, Tallinn University, Narva Maantee 25, 10120 Tallinn, Estonia
In 2002 Bennett et al. started the investigation to which extent sequence spaces are determined by the sequences of 0s and 1s that they contain. In this relation they defined three types of Hahn properties for sequence spaces: the Hahn property, separable Hahn property, and matrix Hahn property. In general all these three properties are pairwise distinct. If a sequence spaceEis solid and(0,1ℕ∩E)β=Eβ=ℓ1then the two last properties coincide. We will show that even on these additional assumptions the separable Hahn property and the Hahn property still do not coincide. However if we assumeEto be the bounded summability domain of a regular Riesz matrixRpor a regular nonnegative Hausdorff matrixHp, then this assumption alone guarantees thatEhas the Hahn property. For any (infinite) matrixAthe Hahn property of its bounded summability domain is related to the strongly nonatomic property of the densitydAdefined byA. We will find a simple necessary and sufficient condition for the densitydAdefined by the generalized Riesz matrixRp,mto be strongly nonatomic. This condition appears also to be sufficient for the bounded summability domain ofRp,mto have the Hahn property.
Cited by
1 articles.
1. Factorable matrices and their associated Riesz matrices;Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences;2014