1. Uzunciftlik Nuh Çimento VHS, Electricity and Energy Deptartment, Kocaeli University, Kocaeli, Turkey
Open dielectric waveguide structures such as circular dielectric rods can be used as antennas by leaking energy in the transverse direction or as guiding structures with low loss in integrated circuits at different frequency ranges. It is essential to understand electromagnetic wave behavior in different frequency regions such as reactive mode region, leaky-wave or antenna mode region, and guided mode region. In this study, it is aimed to assimilate the electromagnetic phenomenon for open dielectric structure by showing the overlapping between the analytic solutions and the simulation results of the TM01 mode of the circular dielectric rod. The analytic solutions for leaky-wave modes have been obtained using the coefficients matrix of the system of characteristic equations of the structure and Davidenko’s method. The field distributions and the scattering parameters have been obtained in CST microwave studio software. The outcomes obtained in the study presented the overlapping between the analytical results and the simulations. The simulation results show the leakage starts end of the reactive mode region where the electromagnetic energy reflects to the feed line, and the electromagnetic energy leaks at the leaky-wave/antenna mode region, and the leakage decreases at the guided mode region as much as it can be neglected while the frequency increases.
Electrical and Electronic Engineering