1. School of Science, Huzhou University, Huzhou 313000, China
2. Department of Physics and State Key Laboratory of Nuclear Physics and Technology, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
Using the (2+1)-dimensional ultrarelativistic viscous hydrodynamics + hadron cascade,VISHNU, hybrid model, we study thepT-spectra and elliptic flow ofΛ,Ξ, andΩin Au + Au collisions atsNN= 200 GeV and in Pb + Pb collisions atsNN= 2.76 TeV. Comparing our model results with the data measurements, we find that theVISHNUmodel gives good descriptions of the measurements of these strange and multistrange hadrons at several centrality classes at RHIC and LHC. Mass ordering of elliptic flowv2amongπ,K,p,Λ,Ξ, andΩare further investigated and discussed at the two collision systems. We find that, at both RHIC and LHC,v2mass ordering amongπ,K,p, andΩis fairly reproduced within theVISHNUhybrid model, and more improvements are needed to be implemented for well describingv2mass ordering amongp,Λ, andΞ.
National Natural Science Foundation of China
Nuclear and High Energy Physics
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5 articles.