Kidney complications can occur due to infective endocarditis, one of which is glomerulonephritis. Most often, an immune complex or complement‐mediated glomerulonephritis is seen on kidney biopsy. In a minor subset of cases, pauci‐immune glomerulonephritis may be present. Most often, such patients will demonstrate the presence of antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA) on serologic testing. A growing number of cases of ANCA‐associated glomerulonephritis due to Bartonella endocarditis have been reported. This type of endocarditis can present diagnostic difficulties given that these patients are often culture negative. Herein, we report a challenging case of ANCA‐negative pauci‐immune glomerulonephritis showing florid crescents on biopsy that was associated with Bartonella endocarditis.