1. School of Nutrition Clinic, The Third Hospital of Jinan Municipality, Jinan 250132, China
Acupuncture and massage are among the oldest medical treatments in China. During the acupuncture process, as well as the subsequent needle extraction process, there are differences in the acupuncture intensity, treatment duration, and acupuncture depth. For both medical treatments of acupuncture and massage, this article learns and analyzes a large amount of literature and applies DBN neural network method to build a human skeletal model to simulate and identify medical professional steps such as acupuncture therapy. The research results show that the recognition rate of DBN reaches 92.1% after the training of 1000 samples. After learning all the training samples, the DBN model achieved feature recognition accuracy of 96.4%, 97.68%, 96.66%, and 92.27% for the test samples of mixed needling process, needle insertion operation, needle extraction operation, and rotary needle handling process, respectively. The research in this article can contribute to the modernization of Chinese medicine by maximizing the simulation of the force on the human body when receiving needling and tui-na, as well as the clinical treatment effect.
General Mathematics,General Medicine,General Neuroscience,General Computer Science