1. Department of Microbial and Molecular Systems, KU Leuven, Kasteelpark Arenberg 20, Bus 2460, 3001 Leuven, Belgium
2. Platform Biotechnology and Molecular Biology, Scientific Institute of Public Health (WIV-ISP), Juliette Wytsmanstraat 14, 1050 Brussels, Belgium
3. National Reference Centre for Salmonella and Shigella, Bacterial Diseases Division, Communicable and Infectious Diseases, Scientific Institute of Public Health (WIV-ISP), Juliette Wytsmanstraat 14, 1050 Brussels, Belgium
4. Department of Plant Biotechnology and Bioinformatics, Ghent University, Technologiepark 927, 9052 Ghent, Belgium
5. Department of Information Technology, Ghent University, IMinds, Gaston Crommenlaan 8, 9050 Ghent, Belgium