Characterization of Plasminogen Binding to NB4 Promyelocytic Cells Using Monoclonal Antibodies against Receptor-Induced Binding Sites in Cell-Bound Plasminogen


Jardí Mercè1,Fàbregas Pere2,Sagarra-Tió María3,Pérez-Lucena María José3,Félez Jordi3


1. Cell Biology Department, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain

2. Centre de Diagnòstic Genètic Molecular, Hospital Duran i Reynals, 08907 L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, Spain

3. Centre Atenció Primària (CAP) Canaletes, Institut Català de la Salut (ICS), Passeig d'Horta 17, 08290 Cerdanyola del Vallès, Spain


The NB4 promyelocytic cell line exhibits many of the characteristics of acute promyelocytic leukemia blast cells, including the translocation (15 : 17) that fuses the PML gene on chromosome 15 to the RARαgene on chromosome 17. These cells have a very high fibrinolytic capacity. In addition to a high secretion of urokinase, NB4 cells exhibit a 10-fold higher plasminogen binding capacity compared with other leukemic cell lines. When tissue-type plasminogen activator was added to acid-treated cells, plasmin generation was 20–26-fold higher than that generated by U937 cells or peripheral blood neutrophils, respectively. We found that plasminogen bound to these cells can be detected by fluorescence-activated cell sorting using an antiplasminogen monoclonal antibody that specifically reacts with this antigen when it is bound to cell surfaces. All-transretinoid acid treatment of NB4 cells markedly decreased the binding of this monoclonal antibody. This cell line constitutes a unique model to explore plasminogen binding and activation on cell surfaces that can be modulated by all-transretinoid acid treatment.


Fondo Investigación Sanitaria


Hindawi Limited


Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis,Genetics,Molecular Biology,Molecular Medicine,General Medicine,Biotechnology

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