1. Bayburt Üniversitesi İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi Tarih Bölümü ORCID: Bayburt / TÜRKİYE
Marriage, which is the smallest structural unit of the society and where the foundation of the family was laid, was made a part of politics by the states and implemented. There are many reasons for attempting marriage between states, and many factors can be listed, such as ending wars, the continuation of peace, acquiring allies, and being able to leave an heir. Starting from the 11th century, in the Rupen dynasty that emerged in Çukurova, political marriages were made in order to gain strong allies and dominate the region starting from the baron Constantine. Relationships were established with the Latin kingdoms, the Byzantine state of Nicaea, and the Crusader counties by exchanging daughters. In addition to political and military reasons, the desire of the Crusader counts to obtain financial benefits through dowry was also effective in the marriages, most of which were with the Crusader counts and Latin kings. Marriages, where arbitrariness was not in question, could start and end under certain conditions under the control of the church. In this study, the purposes, processes and termination of marriages performed by the Rupen dynasty that emerged in Çukurova were discussed.
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