Auricular acupuncture is a technique of Traditional Chinese Medicine, widely used
as an auxiliary treatment in several diseases, aiming at the improvement of symptoms and
clinical condition, being applied as a complementary alternative to drug treatment. The
present study is an investigation of the results of research on the effects of auricular
acupuncture on chronic kidney disease, considering hemodialysis treatment. Considered a
global health problem due to the high number of incidence and deaths, chronic kidney
disease has hemodialysis as a treatment method, which aims to supply compromised kidney
function in more advanced stages of the disease. During and after hemodialysis sessions,
patients commonly experience adverse symptoms, such as pain, headache, cramps, and
hypotension/hypertension, which are associated with treatment conditions and which
generally affect their perception of quality of life. Regarding the use of auricular
acupuncture as a complementary non-pharmacological treatment tool for the control and
reduction of adverse hemodialysis symptoms, good and promising results can be expected,
considering the modulation of markers involved in inflammatory processes.
Instituto de Inteligência em Pesquisa e Consultoria Cientifica Ltda
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