Życie codzienne w samochodzie. Schematy interakcji i wzajemnego postrzegania się kierowców z perspektywy socjologii życia codziennego


Falkowski Michał


The article contains an attempted reconstruction of the manners of communication which occur between the drivers of cars, in other words the characteristic methods of communicating information and the manners of their interpretation. The analysis, conducted from the perspective of the sociology of everyday life, includes that which constantly occurs in the social conditions on the roads, the interaction between drivers, their communication, their mutual influence on each other, attitudes and stereotypes. In particular the author demonstrates the specific communicative code of drivers, defines the motives for their behaviour and the means of their interpretation, and also the patterns of interaction and mutual perception. He considers whether drivers really do co-exist in the space of the same symbols and significances, if they really do mutually communicate and into what manner of interactions they enter.


Institute of Political Studies - Polish Academy of Sciences


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Engineering,General Environmental Science

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