Męsko-męski seks heteryków, czyli społeczno-kulturowy przewodnik po tym, jak go uprawiać i nie zostać gejem


Bąk Daniel


Reachable knowledge, which is a collection of socially negotiated constructs and narratives, imposes limits on possible ways of understanding the world around us. A dominant discourse becomes a boundary of cognition. The contemporary discourse on male sexual identity cements and limits it to a homosexual or heterosexual version. The socio-cultural rules producing hetero- and homosexuality can be particularly well viewed in the example of men who identify as heterosexuals yet have sex with other men. This article provides a recipe for the effective union of heterosexuality with homosexual desire, free of the danger of social stigma. At the same time, the article attempts to disclose how the development of male sexuality is restricted by modern modes of knowledge production in regard to male sexuality and by forcing men to practice their sexuality in a pre-specified manner. The article also gives voice to alternative ways of understanding male sexuality, especially through the lens of fluidity, changeability, and vagueness.


Institute of Political Studies - Polish Academy of Sciences


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Engineering,General Environmental Science

Reference22 articles.

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5. Eisner Shiri, 2013, Bi-Notes for a Bisexual Revolution, Seal Press, Berkeley, CA.

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