A reference dataset for the Neogene lithostratigraphy in Flanders, Belgium
Container-title:The Neogene stratigraphy of northern Belgium
Short-container-title:Geol. Belg.
1. VPO, Flemish Planning Bureau for the Environment and Spatial Development, Department of Environment & Spatial Development, Koning Albert II-laan 20, 1000 Brussels, Belgium. 2. RBINS, Royal Belgium Institute of Natural Sciences, Scientific Heritage Service, collection geology, Vautierstraat 29, 1000 Brussels, Belgium. 3. VPO, Flemish Planning Bureau for the Environment and Spatial Development, Department of Environment & Spatial Development, Koning Albert II-laan 20, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
Subsurface research often makes use of information from locations where subsurface investigations occurred or that had temporary outcrops. In time, data and knowledge of these locations increases, though compilation of the former information, and uniquely identifying these in subsequent publications is seldom done. Data quality control and documentation are therefore required, including tracing the data sources to their unique reference in governmental databases. In this paper, a five-step approach is described on how all relevant data can be uniquely combined into a reference dataset for the Neogene of Flanders. The dataset is made available in the online web portal for soil and subsoil in Flanders. The individual data points, as well as the reference dataset, can be consulted and are re-usable in an accessible format by scientists, professionals and citizens with an interest in the subsurface, and even so by machines. The reference dataset approach can be elaborated for other subsurface data collections and is proposed to evolve to a standard practice for open subsurface data in Flanders. It increases the visibility and the quality of the data and the research. Inclusion of a reference dataset URL in research or other portals further contributes to data and knowledge integration. Such an open data approach is pivotal for (governmental) data management institutes providing geological services that facilitate a more sustainable use and management of the subsurface.
Geologica Belgica
Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous)
Reference41 articles.
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7 articles.