In the article, a comprehensive analysis of borderland research by Ukrainian scholars is carried out. The borderland of Ukraine has always been an important topic for the sphere of state administration, national security and international relations, as our country has a complex border structure due to its geographical location and historical factors that influenced its development. The relevance of research on education and upbringing in the borderland in the conditions of war is determined by the fact that socio-economic, national-patriotic and political aspects of life in the borderland of Ukraine (border areas) are of great importance for national security and the development of the country as a whole. It is concluded that the area of education, which is responsible for the formation of the consciousness and national identity of every citizen of Ukraine and Ukrainian society as a whole, is able to perform tasks related to the organization of the educational process, national-patriotic and military-patriotic upbringing of children and youth in the borderland, taking into account the peculiarities of these regions, i.e. cultural, speech, socioeconomic. Carrying out educational tasks in the borderland, establishing the national identity of young people is of great importance for the restoration of the de-occupied territories. It is concluded that the fulfilment of the tasks outlined above requires the study of educational and upbringing problems in the borderland of Ukraine, because today such studies are few.
National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine
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