Introducere în utilizarea inteligenţei artificiale în pediatrie


Pop Tudor Lucian


Artificial intelligence (AI) is a fascinating field that has cap­tured the attention of scientists and researchers. The de­fi­ni­tions of AI have changed and evolved. The con­tem­po­rary definition focuses on the ability of artificial systems to learn from data and perform specific tasks, such as voice and vi­sual recognition or decision-making based on complex in­for­ma­tion. Artificial intelligence has evolved from rigidly pro­grammed systems to ones that can learn and adapt auto­no­mously. AI has represented a significant evolution in the medical field, bringing fundamental changes in di­sease diagnosis, treatment and management. There are se­veral ways in which it can be used in pediatrics: assisted diag­no­sis and prognosis, designing personalized treatment regi­mens, real-time monitoring of patients, assistance in con­sul­ta­tions and remote care, and medical education and training. Despite all the advantages that AI brings, doctors’ re­luc­tance remains an important obstacle to its adoption. Con­cerns about the ethical and legal aspects of using AI in medical practice may drive this reluctance. Ethical and le­gal issues include patient data privacy, accountability, trans­pa­rency of AI algorithms, and error detection. Clear re­gu­la­tions are needed to address these issues in medical prac­tice. Artificial intelligence should not and will never re­place the experience and expertise of doctors. AI in pe­dia­trics should always complement doctors based on a multidisciplinary approach involving human medical con­sul­ta­tion and decision-making in a wider context.  


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Reference64 articles.

1. Knake LA. Artificial inteligence in pediatrics: the future is now. Pediatric Research. 2023;93:445-446.

2. Kaul V, Enslin S, Gross SA. History of artificial intelligence in medicine. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. 2020;92(4):807-12.

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4. Newell A, Simon HA. Computer science as empirical inquiry: symbols and search. Communications of the ACM. 1976;19(3):113-126.

5. Nilsson NJ. Artificial intelligence: A new synthesis. Morgan Kaufmann, 1998.







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