Biomarkeri utilizaţi în predicţia timpurie a diabetului gestaţional


Mateescu Radu,Marina Gabriel,Edu Antoine,Obilişteanu Gabriela,Bujor Mihaela,Conci Stelian,Ionescu Gabriel,Antonovici Marina,Isopescu Florin,Plotogea Mihaela ,Ispas Alexandru,Edu Mihnea


Objectives. The evaluation of maternal biomarkers that can guide us towards an early diagnosis of gestational dia­betes, as early as the first trimester of pregnancy, for a better management and to reduce potential adverse ef­fects of gestational diabetes on pregnancy and pregnant wo­men. Methodology. This article reviews research in the spe­cia­lized literature and aims to highlight how biomarkers, such as fasting glucose, HOMA score, glycated hemoglobin and PAPP-A, can constitute a set of parameters for screening ges­ta­tional diabetes as early as the first trimester of preg­nancy. Results. Women who developed gestational diabetes ex­hi­bi­ted higher values of biomarkers compared to patients un­af­fec­ted by this metabolic imbalance. Diagnosing ges­ta­tio­nal diabetes in the first trimester of pregnancy re­quires correlating multiple biological markers. Most stu­dies suggest that none of the markers used alone have a suf­fi­ciently high predictive value for screening gestational dia­betes in the first trimester. However, their correlation can quan­tify the risk of developing this condition and provide a clinical clue in routine practice.  


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