1. An Analysis of Existing Statistics on Student Flows between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland in Higher Education. Higher Education Authority, December 2018, 22–26. https://hea.ie/assets/uploads/2018/12/ROI-NI-Student-Flows-Report-December-2018-FINAL.pdf.
2. CAIN, Fact Sheet in and about the Conflict in Northern Ireland, June 21, 2007. https://cain.ulster.ac.uk/victims/docs/group/htr/day_of_reflection/htr_0607c.pdf.
3. Census 2011: Ireland and Northern Ireland. Cork: Central Statistics Office; Belfast: Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency, 2014. https://www.cso.ie/en/media/csoie/census/documents/north-south-spreadsheets/Census2011IrelandandNorthernIrelandwebversion1.pdf.
4. Clarke, Marie, Linda Hui Yang and David Harmon. The Internationalisation of Irish Higher Education. Dublin: Higher Education Authority, 2018. https://hea.ie/assets/uploads/2018/07/report_internationalisation_of_education_2018.pdf.
5. Clones Family Resource Centre. Our Border Heartbeat: Listening to Border People on the Centenary of Partition! Clones: Abbeyset Print, June 2021.