
Vaserchuk Yulia1ORCID


1. Institute of Modern Art


Modern forms of design activities that contribute to the development of professional design are considered in the article. The principles of designers’ teamwork, which are similar in structure but differ in content, are compared. In one case, this is teamwork; in the other, groups of like-minded people. It has been proved that colleagues unite by common values, meanings, and ideological attitudes to form a picture of the future and formulate a global vision of professional strategies, design principles, methods, and attitudes to improve the quality of life. By joint intellectual and spiritual efforts, like-minded people form the vector of modern design activity. The professional elite acts as the driving force behind the evolutionary transformation of contemporary design, reveals the potential of conscious design and advanced design thinking, determines the place of design in the future professions, and sets moral standards of behaviour. The types of project design thinking (from engineering, creative – to artistic and resource one) are presented as the results of the individual creativity of team members. The continuous development of certain areas of design thinking and the acquisition of competencies based on individual capabilities provides designers with long-term professional development, regardless of external conditions. Moreover, an honest attitude towards oneself and one’s abilities promotes a deep understanding of the profession, which allows the development of new types of design that respond to deep human needs. In conclusion, self-knowledge, gained in a collective creative act, promotes the development of individual abilities and leads to intellectual and spiritual co-evolution.


Science and Art

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