The droplet model of the nucleus is revived, for which an exact solution for an incompressible fluid is obtained using the hydrodynamic potential solution obtained from the Schrödinger equation. Moreover, for an incompressible fluid, there are formulas for the pressure or potential. There is the main part of the hydrodynamic potential, which is obtained by replacing the modulus of the inverse difference of vectors by the difference in moduli of the values of the vectors. The bulk of the potential is expressed in a finite formula with singularities. A formula is obtained for the integral containing the modulus of the difference between the exact values of the vectors minus the main part of the potential. This difference defines a continuous correction with the features taken into account. The main part of the potential at the boundary of the nucleus turned out to be infinitely large with an imaginary part, locking particles in the nucleus. In this case, the real part of the main potential decreases with decreasing radius, becomes negative, and determines the bound state. At half the radius of the nucleus, there is a linear term along the radius. At the zero radius, there is an infinite negative potential with an imaginary part. An expression for the quantum of the emitted energy is obtained. Note that the added mass was not used due to the rotational regime of the nucleus. An algorithm for calculating the spectrum of the kernel is proposed, and each state of the action of the kernel sn corresponds to n calculated frequencies, determined by n angles in the configuration space. The main space is n + 1 dimensional, and each dimension of space has its own energy. But without special means, the potential of the nucleus tends to infinity. It is necessary to introduce the imaginary degree of roughness of the corners, in expressions containing singularities, then the infinities disappear.