BackgroundTidal flow–volume (TFV) loops are commonly recorded in infants during sleep, due to the more regular breathing patterns compared to the awake state. Standardised deselection of loops outside pre-specified ranges are based on periods of regular breathing, while criteria and available software for visual evaluation of TFV loops are lacking. We aimed to determine the reliability of standardised criteria for manual selection of infant TFV loops.MethodsUsing a pre-defined set of criteria, three independent raters manually evaluated TFV loops among 57 randomly selected awake healthy 3-month-old infants with available TFV measurements in the Scandinavian Preventing Atopic Dermatitis and ALLergies in children (PreventADALL) study. The TFV loops were sampled using the Eco Medics Exhalyzer D. Criteria for selecting TFV loops included reproducible shape and volume with only one peak in tidal expiratory flow (PTEF), excluding loops with no clear or uneven flow towards PTEF. By intraclass coefficient (ICC), the reliability of agreement between raters was determined for the time to PTEF (tPTEF) to expiratory time (tE) and other TFV loop parameters.ResultsFive infants had unsuccessful tests. Among the remaining 52 infants, the raters selected a median of 25, 26 and 15 loops per test. The ICCs (95% CI) were 0.97 (0.92–0.98) fortPTEF/tE, 0.99 (0.99–1.00) for respiratory rate, 0.98 (0.97–0.99) for tidal volume per kg and 0.98 (0.97–0.99) for expiratory volume, reflecting excellent agreement in all categories.ConclusionManual TFV loop selection using standardised criteria provides a reliable alternative for lung function measures in awake infants with interrupted breathing cycles in a real-life setting.
Barnestiftelsen at Oslo University Hospital
Oslo University Hospital
The Kloster Foundation
Region Stockholm
The University of Oslo
Forskningsrådet om Hälsa, Arbetsliv och Välfärd
Health and Rehabilitation Norway
Insamlingsstiftelsen Cancer- och Allergifonden
KI grants
The Regional Health Board South East
Swedish Order of Freemasons Foundation Barnhuset
The Samaritan Foundation for Pediatric research
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Norges Forskningsråd
Norges Miljø- og Biovitenskapelige Universitet
Magnus Bergvalls Stiftelse
Sykehuset Østfold
Karolinska Institutet
Konsul Th C Berghs Stiftelse
Norwegian Society of Dermatology and Venerology
The Pediatric Research Foundation at Astrid Lindgren Children's Hospital
The Frithjof Nansen Institute
Arne Ingel's Legat
Astma- och Allergiförbundet
Norges Astma- og Allergiforbund
Stiftelsen Jubileumsklinikens Forskningsfond mot Cancer
Ellen, Walter and Lennart Hesselman Foundation for Scientific Research
Stiftelsen Sven Jerrings Fond
Fürst Medical Laboratory, Oslo, Norway
Svenska Läkaresällskapet
European Respiratory Society (ERS)
Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine