Level of Anxiety with COVID-19 Vaccine Screening Results in Jember Regency


Afandi Alfid TriORCID,Putri PrestasianitaORCID,Djuanda Rosita Oktavia,Rifai AhmadORCID


Anxiety can decrease concentration, so it can be dangerous if it happens to someone who is going to do work that could pose a risk of injury. This research aims to identify anxiety levels, identify vaccine screening results COVID-19, and analyze the relationship between anxiety levels and vaccine screening results COVID-19. The independent variable in this study was the level of anxiety, while the dependent variable was the results of vaccine screening for COVID-19. This research had 115 respondents using a sampling technique, namely consecutive sampling. This research design uses a cross-sectional correlation type approach. Use bivariate statistical tests. The results of this study were that most of the vaccine participants' anxiety levels were high, COVID-19 was mild anxiety 54.8%, most respondents had vaccine screening results for COVID-19, namely passing the screening at 92.2%, and there is a relationship between the level of anxiety and the results of the vaccine screening COVID-19 with a value of p=0.000 (p<0.05). It is hoped that this research can provide input and additional information for nursing education regarding people's anxiety levels.


EBSINA Al-Hijrah Indonesia








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