“Memories of the Idzykowski” as a source in the study of the publishing house “Leon Idzykowski”


Kosaniak Nataliia1ORCID


1. Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientififc Library of Ukraine in Lviv


A description of the document of the memoir genre “Pamiętniki Idzikowskich” (Memoirs of the Idzikowskis) as a source for the history of book and music publishing in Ukraine in the second half of the XIX – first quarter of the XX century, dedicated to the history of the publishing company and the activities of four generations of members of the Idzykowski family in this matter is characterized. The text of the document combines genre features of memoirs and historical research. The compiler Yuriy Idzykovsky syste¬matized the materials by sections, factual material — by chronological principle on the basis of his own memoirs, materials of the family archive. Leon Idzikovsky Publishing House is the most famous and powerful institution, which for almost a century played a major role in the cultural life of both Kyiv and the entire Russian Empire, as well as interwar Poland. The firm included a publishing house, a bookstore, a finished goods warehouse, a library, a concert office, a book publishing school, a bookbinding house, a printing house, and was one of the leading cultural centers, covering a wide range of cultural and educational services. Keywords:Idzikowski, memoirs, Polish nobility, music publishing activity, publishing trade enterprise, music shops, music publications.


Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library of Ukraine in Lviv


General Medicine

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