Korean classifier-less number constructions


Ahn Dorothy


Korean is a generalized classifier language where classifiers are required for numeralsto combine with nominals. This paper presents a number construction where the classifier isabsent and the numeral appears prenominally. This construction, which I call the classifier-lessnumber construction (Cl-less NC), results in a definite or a partitive reading where the referentmust be familiar: ‘the two women’ or ‘two of the women’. In order to account for this, Iargue that Korean postnominal number constructions are ambiguous between a plain numberconstruction and a partitive construction. After motivating and proposing an analysis for thepartitive structure, I argue that Cl-less NC is derived from the partitive construction, explainingits distributional restriction and the interpretation.Keywords: number construction, classifiers, partitives, Korean.


University Library J. C. Senckenberg

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