Assessment management through planned intermediation in children's literacy learning


Oliveira Renata Araújo Jatobá deORCID,Silva Magna do CarmoORCID


The study analyzes how two teachers establish a relationship between reading and writing rights and/or skills, assessment management through planned intermediation in learning, and the progress of children in the literacy cycle/Cours Préparatoire - CP/Cycle2 -, over the course of the year. The theoretical foundation exposes the management of teaching and assessment for teaching-learning and literacy. The methodology is qualitative and describes the organization of pedagogical work in Brazil and France; and we use content analysis. The result indicated that teaching management is based on building a professional pattern; and that the assessment management through planned intermediation happens when the teacher ponders about practice and recreates it to meet the heterogeneity of learning.


Universidade Federal de Santa Maria


Organic Chemistry,Biochemistry

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