Genetic diversity and phenotypic characterization of <i>Ochroma pyramidale</i> in plantations in Mato Grosso, Brazil


Zanetti Géssica TaisORCID,Hoogerheide Eulalia Soler SobreiraORCID,Rossi Ana Aparecida BandiniORCID,Behling MaurelORCID,Pinto Joyce Mendes AndradeORCID


This study evaluated balsa wood (Ochroma pyramidale) plantations in the search for matrices for genetic improvement. We were evaluated a total of 20 trees in plantations in Mato Grosso for genetic diversity with ISSR (Inter Simple Sequence Repeats) primers, as well as their diameter at breast height (DBH) and commercial height (CH). The primers amplified 111 loci (97.3% polymorphic), and the Nei genetic diversity (0.32) and Shannon index (0.48) indicate that there is genetic diversity in the plantations. The AMOVA revealed greater genetic variation within the plantations rather than among the plantations. The UPGMA group indicated the formation of nine groups, four of which had one individual each. As for phenotypic characterization, individuals 48 and 52 stand out for having higher DBH, and individuals 30 and 34 presented higher CH. Considering DBH and CH concomitantly, 12 individuals are within the standards. In the evaluated plantations, there is sufficient variability for the identification of balsa wood matrices.


Universidade Federal de Santa Maria



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