Identity and quality standards for brazilian stingless bee honey based on physicochemical parameters – a review


Sato Débora MayumiORCID,Ressutte Jéssica BarrionuevoORCID,Gonçalves Marcos AparecidoORCID,Spinosa Wilma AparecidaORCID


Honey from stingless bees has a physicochemical composition that varies according to the nectar source, climate, and bee species. Due to its unique flavor and aroma, stingless bee honey has become popular; however, the lack of regulation for this type of product makes its formal marketing and quality control difficult. Although Brazil does not have federal legislation that defines the physicochemical parameters for stingless bee honey, the states of Paraná, Santa Catarina, Rio Grande do Norte, Bahia, Amazonas, and São Paulo have established specific identity and quality standards. Thus, this study aimed to review the physicochemical parameters of stingless bee honey using data published between 2017 and 2022. The data from 34 studies were compared with existing state regulations for stingless bee honey, and in the absence of this, they were compared with the Brazilian legislation for Apis mellifera honey and with state regulations present in the same region. It was concluded that the physicochemical parameters are not in accordance with Brazilian legislation for Apis mellifera honey. On the other hand, when compared with state regulations, most of the data obtained are in accordance with the laws established for each state, also indicating the need for regulation at the federal level.


Universidade Federal de Santa Maria


General Medicine

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