Validity and reliability evaluations of the Emotional Quotient Inventory: Youth Version (EQ-i: YV[S]) with children and adolescents fromdifferent countries have shown variations in the structural model proposed by Bar-On. Objective. To examine the psychometric properties of EQ-i:YV[S] with a Colombian’ sample. Method. We randomly selected a sample of 1355 children and adolescents between 8 and 14 years old (Mage = 10.80;SD = 1.41). We conducted exploratory (n1 = 416) and confirmatory (n2 = 939) factor analyses (EFA, CFA), reliability, internal consistency, and predictive validity. Results. The EFA explained 27.6% of the variance. The AFC indicated a multidimensional structure with four factors and 21 items obtained the best fit (χ 2 = 334.358; df = 183; RMSEA=0.030; CFI=.951;TLI=944; NFI=.899) with acceptable internal consistency (ω = .57,.75). EQ-i: YV[S] factors explain 18.5% of the observed variance in problem-centered coping scores. Conclusions. The psychometric fit of the inventory supports evidence of its usefulness for screening processes in clinical or educational assessment.
Universidad de San Buenaventura