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2. N. J. Smith, J. A. Gianetto, D. E. Dolan and J. T. McGrath, An evaluation of microstructure and mechanical properties of sub-merged-arc and gas-metal-arc welds in HSLA100 steel. Phase I. DREP Contractors Report 90-28, MTL 90-8 (CF). Metals Tech-nology Laboratories, CANMET, Ottawa, Canada (1990).
3. R. J. Wong and M. D. Hayes, Arc welding consumables for HSLA steels with yield strengths of 80 ksi and above, In Proc. Int. Conf on the Metallurgy, Welding, and Qualification of Microalloyed (HSLA) Steel Weldments, Houston, Texas (edited by J. T. Hickey, D. G. Howden and M. D. Randell), pp. 450-489. American Welding Society, Miami (1990).
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