1. Feng Z (ed.): ‘Processes and mechanisms of welding residual stress and distortion’; 2005, Boca Raton, FL, CRC Press.
2. Crawford M, Atkins GJ, Lillig DB, Kan WC, Wang HH: ‘Taking SCR’s deeper – qualification of nickel based welds for deepwater caternary risers’, Proc. Deep Offshore Technology Conf., PennWell, Houston, TX, USA, February 2008, Session 5- Riser Technology 1.
3. Lillig DB, Weir MS, Kan WC, Hoyt DS: ‘Nickel-based alloy welding for enhance fatigue performance’, Proc. Deep Offshore Technology Conf., PennWell Vitória, Espírito Santo, Brazil, November 2005, Session 20- Riser SCR 2.
4. New guidance for fatigue design of pipeline girth welds
5. Evaluation of through thickness residual stress in multipass butt welded joint by using inherent strain