1. N. Coley,The Popular Image of Science and Scientists, (Milton Keynes: Open University, 1982), pp. 20–27 (Unit 26 of the OU Course 203, Popular Culture) provides a short introduction. See the reproduction on p. 23 of a page from theDaily Expressfor 13 August 1945.The Timesand theManchester Guardiancarried extensive articles in the days following the initial announcement. TheDaily Workercalled uponj. B. S. Haldane for comment. The weeklyIllustrated London Newswent to press too early to include any immediate reaction but its issue for 18 August gave lavish coverage, including reference to reports by Cockcroft and Walton on their discoveries in the early 1930s. The popular weekly,Picture Post, on August 25 devoted a whole issue to “Man enters the atom age.” The BBC broadcast many programmes which subsequently were published inThe Listener, for example, Sir Lawrence Bragg “Mankind and the atom” in the issue for August 30, pp. 229–31.
2. J. Lees-Milne,Harold Nicolson: a Biography 1930–1968(London: Chatto and Windus, 1981), Vol. II, pp. 29–30.