1. Structure–properties relationship in TRIP steels containing carbide-free bainite
2. Krizan D: ‘TRIP steels: advanced high strength multiphase steels for automotive applications’, Proc. Int. Conf. on ‘COM-MAT-TECH’, Trnava, Slovakia, October 2006, MTF STU, 659–668.
3. Low-alloyed TRIP-Steels with Optimized Strength, Forming and Welding Properties
4. Krizan D, Traint S, Sierlinger R, Pauli H, Blaimschein M and Pichler A: ‘Customer oriented development and optimization of cold rolled intercritically annealed multiphase TRIP sheet steels’, Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on ‘Steels in cars and trucks’, Wiesbaden, Germany, June 2008, VDEH, 26–33.
5. Galvanizability of Advanced High-Strength Steels 1180TRIP and 1180CP